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Note that for the moment, link true details are only available on demand for acredited investors. 

 The problem: Climate change fight will succeed only when the production of clean energy will be cheaper than gas and coal one without subsidies. Potential market is obvious, but nobody has proved yet to be able to do so.
Wind-Do solution:
Producing wind turbines with components of human size will end with less than half price installation cost per megawatt, and solve noise and visual disturbance. The modular wind farm concept allow optimization of each projects for specific objectives, first to achieve 50% more energy production than conventional wind farm, or to favour low wind site, or to be used to counterbalance existing wind farm.
(See technical details here)
Wind-Do market:
Clean energy installation is a global market of more than $200B/year (wind + solar + hydro...). As our product do not need feed in tariff or subsidies, we will be a very competitive alternative in every market segments. (See market details here)
Business model:
First revenues will come from sales and installation of wind turbines in our local market. International deployment of Wind-Do technology will pass true venture with industrial partners in every markets. We will also rapidly sell technical support, consultation and parts. (Details here)
I.P and R&D:
Our intellectual property is actually base on three patents pending. We foresee at least three other patents application before we present our first product to the market. Continuous R&D are base on computer simulations and field-testing.
(Details here)
The Corporation have been found by Francois (Frank) Gagnon, an engineer that had manage or own few enterprises. The board of direction count few small investors that will work with the corporation, and external advisors with international relationship. (Details here)
Some numbers:
Wind-Do market is huge; our penetration will depend on funding. With $200K investment, we can create a corporation with low burning rate that will reach profitability within a year. A $2M investment is required to offer megawatt wind farm and reach $20-30M/year sales. Both funding scenarios are insufficient for the positioning of Wind-Do as an international leader of clean energy. (Short details here) (Full number here)
As we will have a significative (and disturbing) impact on the global energy market, we can expect to receive purchase offers from majors within 2-4 years. At this point, the board of direction may choose to go for an IPO. In both case, early shareholders can expect a huge return on their investments. (Details here)

(FAQ from investors) Another way so view a project.

Note that for the moment, link true details are only available on demand for acredited investors.