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FAQ about Wind-Do

Click on questions to download its short PDF answer.

1. Can you summarize your idea in 100 worlds?
What is your business proposition?
What makes your products / services special?
Are there similar products/services being developed or on the market already?
If so, what sets your idea apart?

Have you filed for a patent? If so, where?
Describe your product in an elaborate way.
7. How will your product/service reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
8. Explain the production and development process.
9. How, when and where will you develop your product/service?
10. Why is your idea going to change the world?
11. What is the time schedule on the development and market introduction of your product?
12. Introduce yourself, and your team.
13. Specify your target market and why you selected this specific market.
14. Describe the structure of your target market.
15. Describe the market size and the market potential for your product or service in this target market.
16. What will your product or service cost?
17. How will you inform your (potential) customers about your product?
18. Can you show the potential benefit, and the ROI of your customers?
19. Can you propose a SWOT analysis of your product/service?
20. What is your basic financial set-up? Can we invest in Wind-Do?
21. Can you propose financial projection to investors?
22. What do you expect from your business partners?
23. Have you forecast an exit scenario for first investors?
24. Can we see some pictures?